Sometimes in life the timing is just perfect, and you come across a guy whose experience, and passion are intersecting at exactly the right time. This is our Director Ritchie Lavene. You cannot be in a room with Ritchie for more than 5 minutes before you are sucked into his energetic vortex and are compelled to want to make the world a better place through Harmony and Song!
Ritchie comes to our chorus with over 40 years of Barbershop experience, having started Barbershop as a young child, he cannot remember his life without four-part harmony and the comradery of the men around him. He has immersed himself in the culture, the music and the fellowship and exudes that with every stroke of his hand as he Directs. He is also had the opportunity to travel around the Country and the World Coaching some of the highest-level groups and director’s spreading his joy and passion for the “hobby” (read: lifestyle)!
Ritchie has served on Barbershop schools, festivals, and competitions, around the country and the world, and participates in the leadership of our society. He has judged at the international level multiple times.
He has been directing choruses since the age of 12 and it’s all he ever wanted to do, that shows through every time he steps in front of a chorus! His enthusiasm and quick wit will have you on your toes and giving you the motivation to take yourself as a performer and singer to the next level.
He is respected, he is fun, and he will do everything to make sure that your evening and time is worth it! Come sing for him, you won’t be disappointed!